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Deep inside the Nefsis Contact List, you will find many advanced settings and customization options.
Includes various options for startup, look-and-feel, language, program updates, close confirmation and hotkeys.
Handles your Nefsis account information, such as name, company, address and whether or not you are publically listed, so that other Nefsis users can find you.
You can customize whether a popup or text chat is created when you double-click on a contact.
Provides you with the ability to fine-tune how statuses and messages are displayed when you're status is either Online, Away or Busy.
When you have set contacts with priorities, you can customize High, Medium, Low or Custom priority notifications here.
The Nefsis tray icon application will attempt to connect to the Nefsis cloud automatically. However, should you wish to manually specify a connection method (direct, HTTPS, proxy) - you can do so here.
Nefsis is able to tie in and integrate with numerous Office applications. You can choose which here.